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None. The only object other than Earth on which people have set foot is the moon. It would be impossible to walk on Jupiter as it does not have a solid surface.

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Q: How many people have landed a foot on jupiter?
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How many people have put foot on Jupiter?

Unless there are aliens, 0.

What did people discover on Jupiter?

Nobody has landed on Jupiter yet. That's either because the atmosphere is too acidic, or because there are too many storms. The lander missions to Jupiter have all failed, to my knowledge.

How many foot steps are their in all on Jupiter?

No human has ever set foot on Jupiter. but Jupiter is made of gas so its impossible to set foot on it

Which planets have been landed on by space robots?

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (and many of its moons), Saturn.

How many people have set foot on the moon?

Till now 12 people have set foot on the moon. The first man to set his foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong and the second man was Edwin Aldrin. They landed on the moon on 20 July, 1969 and stayed there for 21.6 hours abroad Apollo 11.

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... no one...

How many humans landed on the moon?

A total of twelve people have landed on the Moon.Have a look at Moon Landings in Wikipedia.

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How many people could live on Jupiter compared to the population of Earth?

Jupiter is a gas giant planet and has essentially no solid surface so no people could live on Jupiter. If Jupiter were magically a solid planet with earth's gravity, climate and resources but the size of the real planet Jupiter, it cold probably support 100 times as many people as the Earth currently does.

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