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Q: How many people in the U.S. are currently in prison for not paying their taxes?
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Why was Edward Bunker in prison?

avoiding paying taxes

Can you be put in prison for not filing taxes?

That would depend on the laws in your country and the reason why taxes were not filed. Most legislatures will sanction people for not paying the correct taxes and may imprison people if non tax payment is fraudulent or willful.

How people makes black money?

with out paying the taxes

Do people who owe taxes go to prison?

The short answer is NO. Simply owing taxes and being unable to pay them is not a crime punishable by imprisonment. However, if the reason for owing the tax was due to tax EVASION then you could go to prison for the crime of EVASION. That is for taking illegal actions to evade paying the tax that you owe.

Why did the people of Green Bottle Street stop paying taxes in the short story the street that got milsaid?

they stopped paying taxes because the people stopped sending them notices about paying taxes for their house. eventually green bottle street got forgotten.

Is it illegal not to pay income tax?

Yes, you can be fined $$$ and even end up in prison if you don't pay your income taxes. Wesley Snipes was convicted and sentenced to 3 years in prison in 2008 for not paying income taxes. Freedom isn't free. Pay your taxes.

Which is a duty of American citizen?

paying taxes

Is paying taxes a duty or a responsibility?

is paying taxes a duty or a responseibility

What are the latest tax issues in Philippines?

people who avoid paying taxes

Do people have to pay taxes while in prison?

People are still required to pay taxes while they are in prison. However, since a prisoner's income level is very low, they will most likely be in the lowest tax bracket.

What was the law for not paying taxes in England?

the law for not paying taxes in England was jail.

Why did Cicero think that people in the provinces should not complain about paying taxes?

living in the provinces