

How many people in the US have an STD?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12 million a year

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Q: How many people in the US have an STD?
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How many people live with an incurable STD?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as it varies by region and population. However, globally, millions of people live with incurable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes, HIV, and hepatitis B. It is important for individuals with these conditions to receive proper medical care and support.

What is the most common protozoan STD in the us?

Trichomoniasis is the most common protozoan STD in the US. Aside from giardia, which is rarely sexually transmitted, it's the only protozoan STD.

How many people can a STD effect in a month?

it is dependent on the number of people an infected person will have sexual intercourse with.

How many people get killed by bacteria in a week?

The amount of people you're Mom looked at because she had STD's.

Is AIDS the most common STD in the US?

Chlamydia is the most common bacterial STD in the US, and the most common reportable STD. You should know that not all STDs are reportable, so the CDC doesn't get direct reports about HPV or trichomonas.

Do Gay people have a higher percentage of std's and aids in the US?

Gay individuals are at a higher risk for certain STDs, including HIV/AIDS, due to various factors like stigma, limited access to healthcare, and riskier sexual behaviors. However, not all gay people have higher rates of STDs and AIDS; rather, it is about higher risk factors within certain populations. It's important to promote inclusive sexual health education, access to healthcare, and destigmatization to address these health disparities.

What is the most common type of std in the us?


Can you worry about chlamydia?

You should worry about catching chlamydia if you are having sex. Over 2.25 million people in the US are infected with the bacteria. It is the #1 bacterial STD infection in the US.

What state you can't get married in with an STD?

Yes. No states in the US require STD testing to obtain a marriage certificate.

Can gay people catch an std?

Of course.

Are STDs most common in people over 30?

STD are common in people who are sexually active... if you are sexually active at the age of 20 then you are high risk to have an STD.

I have no kids can i still get cervical cancer?

Yes. Cervical cancer usually comes from HPV an std that many, many, people have and is asymptomatic. It has nothing to do with having kids.