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Q: How many people in the world are allergic to dust?
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How many people are affected by dust?

Most people in the world are affected by dust. (Affected = it influences them in some way)

Can people be allergic to Stockholm tar?

I don't even know what Stockholm tar is but I'm willing to bet that someone, somewhere is allergic to it. With as many people as there are in the world, someone is allergic to just about anything you can think of.

What can you be allergic to?

No. In fact, there are a lot of people who don't have allergies.

How many people died from the dust bowl?

my guess will be about 25,000 all over the world.

How many People are killed annually due to allergic reactions to tattoos?

About 24 million around the world in a month

Are you alergic to your hamster?

No, I am not allergic to my hamster. That is because I am not allergic to many things. But some people are allergic to some types of animals.

Whats gold dust real name?

Dustin Rhodes The correct answer to this question is Dustin Patrick Runnels

Why do you often sneeze when you inhale a lot of dust laden air?

The dust particles irritate nerves in the nasal membranes. The irritation then triggers your sneeze reflex. It can also be due to allergy causing histamine reaction and rhinorrhea (runny nose), which can induce sneezing. Since dust often holds dust mites to which many are allergic and/or it may also contain particles of pollution or pollen in the dust which can stimulate allergic responses, including sneezing.

What are more people allergic to dogs or cats?

A lot more people are allergic to cats than dogs ( I think twice as many).

What side effects can red cedar cause?

Many people develop asthma and bronchial spasms from exposure to red cedar or red cedar dust. This is due to an allergic reaction to plicatic acid present in the wood.

Can you be alllergic to strawberries?

Yes, many people are allergic to strawberries.

Can someone get allergic to salmon?

Yes. People can develop allergies to most anything at any time. And many people are allergic to fin fish.