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Q: How many people in the world lie about their identity?
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How may people in the world?


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you don't know who you are talking to people can lie who they are somebody steal your identity

What percentage of people lie a year?

There are no statistics for how many people lie a year.

What does doodle lie about?

Doodles don't lie about really anything they were just put out in the world to make people with humor laugh, me myself are one of those people. Doodles can affect people though like if someone made a doodle about obama and it was rude, and a lie. That right there is a doodle lie so most of the doodles in the world are 99.9 % true, and 1% a lie

Why do people lie-?

People lie for many reasons. Sometimes it is a little white lie to save someone's feelings. Sometimes it is to take advantage of a person.

Why do all girls lie?

Not all girls lie, but most do. Both genders sometimes lie as an attempt to get themselves out of trouble. Some people lie just for fun. Many people lie to make themselves look better. The main reason people lie is to not get caught.

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How many vampires lie in the world?

actually,all of of them...

Why do people lie about money?

most people lie about money because their cheep wads and just either want to lie or want money or their just being stupid. like most thieves in the world.

Do Jesus lie?

Jesus did not lie. He told truths that many people simply did not want to hear.

What were some of Abigail's lies?

People tend to lie all of the time for different reasons. There are perhaps millions of people in the world that are named Abigail. It is hard to determine why people lie when they don't have to.