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Q: How many people involved to build a oil tanker?
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How many people to crew a oil tanker?

About twenty people are believed to crew an oil tanker in any given oil company. This however depends with how big the company is.

How many gallons is 36 inches in a 6500 gallon tanker?

It depends on the shape of the tanker.

How many gallons of gasoline does a gasoline tanker hold?

it depends on the tanker but usually about 9300 gallons

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At he height of the Apollo build-up there were over 400,000 people working at 21,000 different companies or organizations involved in the program.

How many gallons of propane does a tanker truck hold?

There are many different sizes of tanker trucks, - could be anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 gallons.

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Many people

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There were many people involved with the internet.

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What sort of flashlights (or torches) can be used on a tanker?

Many high class flashlights can be used in tanker, like surefire, imalent, etc.

How many people were involved in the crusades?

There were multipule crusades, many of witch had 10,000+ people involved. So in total there were probaly about 150,000+ people in total.

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many people get involved, but it is usually people from the Caribbean, Brazil or Africa.