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Q: How many people on a jury must agree for a person to be found guilty of committing a crime?
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What did you agree with in the book of Exodus?

Some people agree with the book of Exodus. Some people did not agree with the book of Exodus.Answer 2:As a religious person, I agree with all of it.

What does agree to disagree mean?

It means that two people disagree on something and neither person can see the other person's point of view. So the only thing they can agree on is to not agree.

Do the jurors in 12 angry men all agree the defendant is guilty?

No, they eventually agree that the boy is innocent.

What is a prosecutor's motivation for plea bargaining?

To try and get a lesser sentence for confessing to what you have been charged for. If you plead not guilty, but then are found guilty you will have a much worse punishment than if you were to plea guilty. This doesnt mean plea not guilty though. If you can get out of it 100% go for it! good luck

How many jurors does it take to arrive at a decision?

It takes 12 Jurors to arrive at a decision. But a Jury only decides the guilty/ not guilty verdict, and all 12 Jurors have to agree on either guilty, or not guility or else the Jury has to try to convince each other to all agree on either guilty or not guilty. If that fails, the Jury turns into a "Hung Jury" and a new Jury is brought in.

What is meaning behind I am yours?

It is a commitment. The person saying it is committing to some form of relationship be it romantic or business. In a business context it would be "offer me enough pay to come work for you and I AM YOURS" In a romantic relationship that person is telling you they agree with the relationship.

Why is it important that all jury members agree to a verdict?

The requirement for a unanimous verdict helps ensure that the decision reflects the collective judgment of the whole jury, promoting fairness and credibility in the justice system. It also helps prevent rushed or coerced decisions, fostering a more thorough and thoughtful deliberation process.

Who the nicest person in the world?

Most people in the world would agree that Madison Goldstein is the nicest person in the world.

What does this idiom mean things people can agree on?

That doesn't have to do with any idom, people can agree on anything they want to. Things that people can agree on means things we all think are true, such as scientific facts. You also hear this used when the speaker is hoping that people will agree with him, as in "I think we can all agree on this!"

Why was torture viewed publicly?

It is not unusual for people to derive pleasure from the suffering of others. There is even a word in German which means the pleasure that we take in the misfortunes of other people (schadenfreude). Added to this, if we agree that the person being tortured is guilty of some crime for which he deserves to be tortured, then we might also enjoy the feeling that we are getting a just revenge.

Is it acceptable for a forensic psychologist to agree to testify for the defense with their fee contingent upon a not guilty verdict?


Why do people follow Sikhism?

Sikhism is followed by people who agree with the beliefs of Sikhism as well as to help them become a better person.