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fewer than four million people survived.

The most famous that survived the concentration camps was Mr.Frank the father of Anne Marie Frank.
a lot actually. Many of them escsped many of them died. I dont know the exact number but yeha

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12y ago
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13y ago

There's no specific number at the moment, but approximately nearly 2 million of the Jewish put in the camps.


The highest figure I've seen for Jewish survivors from camps is no higher than 200,000 at most.


I've been doing a lot of research for this question and everything i have gatherd together it would be a answer of at least......................................................................................................................................................... 200 at the least. Only 200 out of 2 million. the 200 that made it out of it, are and were Lucky ducks.

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14y ago

Most of the people sent to the Auschwitz complex of camps did not leave alive. In 1989 the Director of the Auschwitz Museum published a set of deliberately cautious estimates based on the evidence available.
His estimates were as follows for the Auschwitz complex of camps:

  • Gassed soon after arrival: at least 900,000.
  • Worked to death/died of disease at Auschwitz: at least 200,000.
  • Left the Auschwitz complex alive: about 190,000.

Of the last figure, nearly all were moved to other camps, and 'left the Auschwitz complex alive' does not necessarily mean 'survived the Holocaust'. (Consider, for example, Anne and Margot Frank, who were sent from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, where they both perished).
Many were taken away on forced marches in December 1944/January 1945.
Note that many scholars have argued that these figures are unduly low.
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14y ago

When the Russians captured Auchwitz there were about 7,500 prisoners at the camp, about 60,000 more had been evacuated prior to the Russians arrival, most sent to Bergen-Belsen and other camps further west. Of these survivors many died shortly after from disease or starvation. At the wars end there were about 40,000 Auchwitz survivors.

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15y ago

Over 80% of those who entered Dachau between 1933 and 1945 emerged alive. It was one of the few Grade I concentration camps. Although conditions were punitive, they were somewhat better than, say, at Buchenwald (a Grade II camp) or Auschwitz I (a Grade III camp), where the death rates were much higher. "In total, over 200,000 prisoners from more than 30 countries were housed in Dachau of whom two-thirds were politicial prisoners and nearly one-third were Jews. 25,613 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps ..." Source: Wikpedia, Dachau Concentration Camp.

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11y ago

It's very difficult to say due to many things such as people could of escaped and survived but wasn't reported. However, it's estimated that around 250,000 People Survived the Holocaust, 200,000 of these were Jews.

Please see related question in How the survived.

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12y ago

many Jews were saved from concentration camps.many people were saved like about 5000 people but alot died

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13y ago

it is a very problematic question as about a third of those who survived until liberation died within a few weeks. Should they be counted as surviving the camps?

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11y ago

Out of the 5 Million inmates, It is estimated that only about 200,000 people who passed through the Auschwitz camps survived. 65,000 is being at Auschwitz Birkenau.

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How many people survived Auschwitz Birkenau?

Of those who received numbers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, only 65,000 survived. It is estimated that only about 200,000 people who passed through the Auschwitz camps survived.

What was the worst punishment in Auschwitz that people survived?

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Did any Irish die in Auschwitz?

possibly, i know of at least one who survived Auschwitz.

How many people stayed in Auschwitz?

The number of people in the Auschwitz complex at any one time was relatively small by comparison with the total number killed there. According to Wikipedia, there were between 13,000 and 16,000 prisoners in Auschwitz at one time. At least 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz during the holocaust, most of them shortly after arrival.

How many people died in Auschwitz camp 1?

About 190,000 people died in Auschwitz I.

How many people were held at Auschwitz Birkenau?

About 4.5 Million people were sent to Auschwitz.

Who was a person that survived in the Auschwitz?

Filip Mueler was one such person.

What was one of the concentration camps that Eli survived?

Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

What percentage of Jews survived Auschwitz?

Just before the Holocaust there were about 18 million Jews world wide, and about one third (33%) were killed in the Holocaust.

How many people came to Auschwitz?

Over 3 Million people were sent ot Auschwitz approximatly.

How many people can be held in Auschwitz?

In one go atleast 300,000 people could of been held at Auschwitz.

How many people died in Auschwitz in 1940?

There isn't an exact number but about 1,500 people were killed at Auschwitz in 1940.