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Q: How many people were killed during the blitz in Plymouth?
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How were people in norwich during the blitz affected?

The people of Norwich at the time of the Blitz were not greatly affected, but 340 people from Norwich were killed in the Blitz.

How many incendiary bombs were dropped on the first bombing raid on Plymouth?

The Blitz was the nazi name for that operation. 1,172 civilians were killed and 4,448 injured on Plymouth alone but there were other cities bombed in the Blitz.

How many people died in Cardiff during the blitz?

5000001 killed and 876452 seriously injured

Did 500 people die in the blitz?

Way more than that died during the Blitz, it's to be estimated that between 40,000 - 43,000 civilians were killed and over 50,000+ injured in the Blitz.

How many people were killled in the blitz?

how many pepople were killed in the blitz

Did the blitz affect hull?

The Blitz did affect Hull. During the Blitz Hull was attacked three times, London was attacked 71 and Plymouth eight times.

How many people died during the World War 2 blitz?

Lots">Lotsover 40,000!During the Blitz in London, roughly 40,000 civilians died and many many more were injured.

How many people died in the Blitz?

roughly 32,000 people were killed 87,000 seriously injuredalso around 2 million houses (60%) were destroyed140,000 people by german Henkiel bombers.

What towns where affected by the blitz?

The heavy and frequent bombing attacks on London and other cities in the UK (eg Coventry and Plymouth) during WW2 was known as the 'Blitz'.

How many people died during World War 2 in swansea?

In the Swansea Blitz 230 were killed and over 400 were left injured

Why food and clothes rationed during the blitz?

food and clothes were rationed during the blitz because people were selfishly using them as dildos.

How many people died during the blitz in britain?

The Blitz lasted from September 7, 1940 - May 21, 1941. 42,000 British civilians died in the bombing, far fewer than the British government had feared while the Germans air force lost 3,363 men.