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It's known that at least 5 Million people died from Gassing, just over half of these were Jews.


No, it is not.

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Q: How many people were killed from Gassing in the Nazi Concentration Camps during the Holocaust?
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How bad was life for the Jews?

in the holocaust, it was terrible. they were hurt and beaten.Most of them were killed by gassing.

What are some of the ways they killed people in the holocaust?

gassing, lethal injection on adults

Why did the gassing in the concentration camp?

because it killed jewish people instantly

Which method was used to execute the largest number of prisoners at a time during the Holocaust?

Gassing (in gas chambers) killed most prisoners most quickly.

What did they do at the Auschwitz Concentration camp?

They Killed people by: Starving Dehydrating Beatings Experiments Shootings Gassing

Where did they took the Jew on the Holocaust?

During the holocaust, Jews were taken to concentration camps in germany where they were either killed immediately upon arrival, or forced into work labour.

What are some of the things that happened to people during the Holocaust?

They would have been killed treated inhumane or sent to concentration camps.

What were ovens in the Holocaust?

The ovens in the holocaust were used to burn the corpses of those who were killed in concentration camps.

Did people in concentration camps kill other people during the holocaust?

no but the German people killed all the Jews there or worked them to death

How people get killed in the holocaust?

there were many methods, from the more intimate shot to the back of the head, or beating to death to the distant anonymous gassing.

What type of people were killed during the Holocaust and how many?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.

How did people get killed in holocaust?

Most likely gassed in concentration camps