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Q: How many people work for most fashion industry?
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Is the fashion industry racist?

The fashion industry is global and extremely diverse. Some of the biggest names in the industry are non-Caucasian so I would say no, the industry is definitely not racist. Of course, just like with most other things, you will likely find racist people within the industry but they are not representative of the industry as a whole.

Who started the runway industery?

No one person started the runway industry. It mostly evolved from existing concepts, which were then just modified to fit the fashion/runway industry. Most people credit Charles Frederick Worth, known as the father of haute couture, for bringing high fashion and fashion models into the mainstream.

How can I break into the fashion designing industry?

Getting into the fashion industry is incredibly difficult to do most of the time. The only way in which to start in this business is to have an inside link that will help you get started.

What are the most popular careers in Asia?

alot of asians have a career in the fashion industry.

Do I need to go to college in order to get a job in the fashion industry?

Having a degree isn't necessary in getting a job in the fashion industry. Most individuals go to college to brush up on their skills. Most use their school time to network and later gain jobs from doing that.

Is Paris the fashion capital of the world?

Yes, Paris is the fashion capital of the world. NB: It is home of the biggest fashion industry's corporations (LVMH, PPR, Hermès, Chanel) and it has the world's longest, most productive and most watched fashion week.

Did Gucci start modeling?

No. Gucci is a brand that is among many of the most famous in the fashion industry. It helped make modeling popular but did not start modeling.

How do sports and games influence the fashion industry?

The fashion weeks sets fashion trends. The most influential fashion week is the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York. Celebs just copy them; that's why I think the celebs being these so called "trendsetters" are disgustingly overrated. I also think it is not just one clothes, it is the outfit when it comes to being a fashionista

What single Cuban industry employs the most people?

The single industry in Cuba that employs the most people is the tourism industry. The tourism industry in Cuba employs approximately 1,109,000 million people.

What percentage does the fashion industry contribute to the US economy?

The US is a pretty big country and yet the fashion industry is one of the biggest industries in the whole world. Since it has become so popular more and more people buy it more these days since new fashion is created everyday. Teenagers become more and more eager to buy the clothes so therfore leading the whole fashion industry to become the most highest percentage on Earth. I am a hard working student and about to go into tafe and be enrolled in Fashion and design my assignment was to research up on the percentages of each country of the fashion industry and how it may/can contribute to the economy and for some reason the US has the same percentage as Australia. they wer both 25%.

What are jobs in Italy?

There are many types of jobs in Italy. These include cooking, owning real estate, manual labor, as well as being a lawyer or doctor.

Advantage to become a cloyhing designer?

clothing designers can become famous and rich and are admired and idolised in the eyes of their models or assistants and have the chance to meet many celebrities. also they carry a vast knowledge of fashion and the fashion industry in most cases.