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100 million people worked on the transcontinental railroad

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About 100,000 people worked including women.

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Q: How many people worked on the trans-continental railroad?
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How many Chinese worked on the transcontinental railroad?

I would say, from a few websites I found, that 11,000 Chinese people worked on the railroad. They worked the hardest and had great skills to work on hard to fix problems they used to fix for the Great Wall of China. -KKBURT

How many people worked on the underground railroad?

It is an estimate that 3,000 people worked on the underground railroad.

How many miles long is the transcontinental railroad?

The transcontinental railroad is 690 miles long.

Which group of laborers did most of the work on the transcontinental railroad?


What races worked on the US transcontinental railroad?

The transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869. For the most part, Chinese workmen provided the labor required to build it. Private companies traveled to China to recruit workers.The obstacles that caused many of the difficulties in building the railroad were tackled by engineers. For the most part this would include people with an European heritage.

How many hours did employees work on the transcontinental railroad?

They worked from dawn until the sun was down. A 14 hour plus day.

Was the Transcontinental the first Transcontinental Railroad?

No. The transcontinental line was completed in 1869, which was four decades plus after the first railroads began operating in the US. Before this railroad was made there were already many other railroads in the eastern United States, but there were so many travelers to the west that the government wanted to make it easier for people to move out west with the Transcontinental Railroad.

Was the transcontinental railroad the first railroad?

No. The transcontinental line was completed in 1869, which was four decades plus after the first railroads began operating in the US. Before this railroad was made there were already many other railroads in the eastern United States, but there were so many travelers to the west that the government wanted to make it easier for people to move out west with the Transcontinental Railroad.

How many Irish people died building the transcontinental railroad?

about 10,000 Irish men died during the making of the transcontinental railroad. Some Irish people died because of the squads were dynamite squads and sometimes blew up.

How many people worked on the first railroad?

10 or more

What is a sentence for transcontinental?

The transcontinental railroad connected the east and west coasts of the United States.

How many people work on the underground?

It is an estimate that 3,000 people worked on the underground railroad.