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Q: How many phonemes are in the word end?
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The word "snake" has four phonemes: /s/ /n/ /e/ /k/.

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There are five phonemes in the word "delete": /d/, /i/, /l/, /iː/, /t/.

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There are three phonemes in the word 'game', as the 'e' on the end does not produce its own sound. The letters and letter blends producing the phonemes are g / a / me.

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There are three phonemes in the word time: t / i / me. Note that the 'e' at the end does not produce a sound of its own.

How many phonemes are there in the word slide?

There are four phonemes, or speech sounds, in the word slide, because the e at the end has no sound of its own. The phonemes are s / l / i / de.

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There are four phonemes, or speech sounds, in the word cross. The double s at the end forms a single sound.The phonemes are c / r / o / ss.

How many phonemes are in the word poke?

There are three phonemes in the word 'poke', as the 'e' on the end does not produce its own sound. The letters and letter blends producing the phonemes are p / o / ke.

How many phonemes are in the word shine?

There are three phonemes in the word 'shine': sh / i / ne.The e at the end has no sound of its own.

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How many phonemes are in the word there?

Phonemes are speech sounds, and in the word "it" there are just two phonemes - i / t.

How many phonemes in the word announce?

There are five phonemes, or speech sounds, in the word announce.They are a / nn / ou / n / ce. Note that the e at the end does not produce any sound.

How many phonemes are there in the word pen?

There are three phonemes in the word "pen": /p/ /ɛ/ /n/.