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Well I think the main plates that cover your chest are 2 plates not one. All in all 14 to 15 pieces I guess but I could be rong.

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Q: How many piceces make up a clone troopers armor in Star Wars?
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Were clone troopers good guys in Star Wars?

The clone troopers are neither good nor bad, in the Star Wars franchise. While, they did bad things they were following their commanders orders and were not doing them out of evil intent..

Why do the troopers on Star Wars wear helmets?

Storm Troopers wear armor to protect them from blaster bolts. The helmets protect their heads.

Who gave the orders to make clone troopers in Star Wars?

Some weird female alien that Obi-Wan was friends with.Not Sure.

How are Clones from Star Wars selected to become captains and higher ranks?

The original clone troopers came from the cloners already with rank designations. Probably got extra training before they ever shipped out.

Is commandos are in Star Wars?

In the movies, no. If you got SWRC, then you'll find them underground during SW Episode II. Rebel commandos were pretty much old clone commandos and more experienced troops. There are also commando droids in SW The Clone Wars. I guess you could call dark troopers Imperial commandos.

Related questions

What movie had Clone troopers?

Clone troopers are characters from the movie Star Wars. Although the troopers are considered antagonists, they are widely popular among Star Wars fans.

Why are their no more clone troopers in Star Wars 4-6?

They got changed into storm troopers.

Whose DNA was used to create the clone troopers?

Jango Fett's DNA was used to create the clone troopers in Star Wars. Tam We was the character that did the actual cloning of the troopers in the series.

What are the white people on Star Wars?

They are called "Clone Troopers"

What are the codes in star wars that give you droids?

You have to kill a million clone troopers.

Were clone troopers good guys in Star Wars?

The clone troopers are neither good nor bad, in the Star Wars franchise. While, they did bad things they were following their commanders orders and were not doing them out of evil intent..

What is the function of a clone trooper in the Star Wars series?

In the Star Wars series clone troopers commanded groups of 4 squads of storm troopers. They were in charge of leading groups into battle as well as planning attack strategies.

How does the clone trooper machine that makes the clone troopers in Star Wars II Attack of the Clones work?

The Tuscan Raiders.

Who is Commander Fox?

Commander Fox is a Character in star wars. He is a clone trooper. in the first star wars the clone wars series he was the head of the arc troopers.

How did the clone troopers in star wars turn evil?

the sith executed order 66

How many clone troopers in Star Wars?

200, 000 with a million more on the way

Are the troopers in star the clone wars episode brain invaders all 501st legion?
