


Star Wars Movies

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." This is the opening line for almost anything related to the Star Wars Universe. Star Wars, created by George Lucas, is famous for its futuristic-like technology with a mix of the old world. Anything related to Jedi, "The Force", Star Wars movies, Star Wars TV series, Star Wars video games, action figures, and much more can be asked here.

5,403 Questions

Who believed that space could be bent by stars and planets?

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Albert Einstein proposed the theory of general relativity, which suggests that massive objects like stars and planets can warp spacetime, causing it to bend. This bending of spacetime explains how gravity operates in the universe.

In Star Wars episode 6 the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are 3720 to 1 Arent those incredibly GOOD odds?

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In the context of the movie, the odds of 3720 to 1 are considered high because they indicate a low probability of success. Han Solo is highlighting the difficulty and danger of navigating an asteroid field to emphasize his piloting skills. So, in this case, the odds are not considered good.

How do you toss a midget?

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Step 1

You capture from the wild with ur net.

Step 2

Drug midget so he becomes incapacitated.

Step 3

Put midgets head on kicking tee.

Step 4

Run and buy steel capped boots from lowes (by this stage the midget should be regaining feeling in his head.

Step 5

Put boots on your feet.

Step 6

Polish boots

Step 7

Take appropriate run-up (I find that a 15 step run-up is most efficient.)

Step 8

Run towards Midgets Head

Step 9

Kick Midget (Aim for the temple, many people think that the forehead is the best spot to kick the midget, this is incorrect midgets have a weaker temple to most humans similar to the temple of a goblin or ork)

Step 10

Watch midget fly through air and hit a wall

Step 11

Begin process again

This is mu favourite way to kick a midget. i hiope it helps you.

P.S. Don't forget to set up a video camera and post it on under the title: "And I Used to Ask How to Kick a Midget."

Was mark hamill the major producer of fireworks in America?

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No, Mark Hamill is an actor best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise. He is not a major producer of fireworks in America.

Can Anikan use force lightning?

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Yes, Anakin Skywalker is able to use Force lightning after turning to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader. He exhibits this ability in various forms of media, such as films, comics, and video games.

Is cloning playing with nature?

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Some people believe that cloning is a manipulation of nature because it involves replicating living organisms in a way that does not occur naturally. Others argue that it is a scientific advancement that can have beneficial applications in medicine and agriculture. The ethical implications of cloning continue to be debated.

Who used a green light saber?

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Luke Skywalker and Yoda were both known to have used green lightsabers in the Star Wars franchise.

How many Darth planets are there?

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There is no such thing as "Darth planets." The term "Darth" typically refers to Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe.

What is amber bakelite?

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Amber Bakelite: Is the reproduction of true amber in a celluloid plastic: Plastics in some form or other have been used in jewelry for many years. Celluloid was the first known plastic, invented in 1868 by John Hyatt. Then in the first part of the 20th century, casein (made from a milk protein) came along. He found that once it was cast, it could not be melted. The Great Depression of the '30s occurred. Money was scarce; women were looking for an inexpensive way to refurbish their old wardrobe and give it a new look; bakelite was the answer. One could find this unique jewelry in almost any color: red, green, and butterscotch being the most common. Bakelite jewelry added a cheery note to a bleak time in our history. Bakelite was used to imitate tortoiseshell, amber, and even gemstones. It was dyed to imitate coral and looked so believable that it often has to be tested to tell the difference. Bakelite, as was mentioned earlier, was often used to imitate amber. A lot of jewelry on the market today that is thought of as amber is actually bakelite. The one conclusive test is hot needle test. When a red hot needle is placed on a piece of bakelite, the material will not be penetrated; whereas, true amber will melt and release a faint piney odor. This is a destructive test but when in doubt it is the only test I know that is accurate. If you must know, please find an inconspicuous place on the specimen to do your testing.

Can Darth Vader use force lightning?

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No, Darth Vader cannot use Force lightning. He primarily uses the Force for telekinesis, mind control, and enhanced physical abilities, but Force lightning is a power associated with the Sith, and Vader never displayed proficiency in that particular skill.

How did Chewbacca die?

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Chewbacca died in the Star Wars expanded universe novel "Vector Prime" by R.A. Salvatore. He was killed by a moon crashing into the planet he was on. This event is not considered part of the official Star Wars movie canon.

What was Luke Skywalker's call sign during the assault on the first Death Star?

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Luke Skywalker's call sign during the assault on the first Death Star was Red Five.

What is a good site for star signs etc?

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I do not understand the question could you rephrase? What is a star sign? A horoscope deal? If so any site with no or very few trees around and map of the sky would be a GOOD site but even if you can only see above you and to the North/South direction horizon to horizon you can eventually see the all in the Northern(assumption) Hemisphere as far South as your position allows. The constellations are generally outlined in star charts and you just have to look and match the patterns of the brighter stars.They are laid out in Months because you generally can't see them all in one night.

Why didn't Jabba kill Oola later and have two slave girls on his throne at the same time?

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Jabba was known for being ruthless and did not see a need for two slave girls at the same time. He likely had a large selection of slaves to choose from and saw no benefit in keeping Oola alive after she defied him. One slave girl was sufficient for his needs and desires.

Can you get the Executor in Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption?

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Yes, the Executor can be obtained in Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption by playing as the Empire faction, researching the Super Star Destroyer technology, and then building the Executor-class Star Dreadnought. It is an incredibly powerful and iconic unit in the game.

Will a 1986 Isuzu trooper door fit with a 1990 Isuzu trooper?

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It is unlikely that the door from a 1986 Isuzu Trooper will fit a 1990 Isuzu Trooper directly due to differences in design and specifications between the two model years. It is recommended to check with a local auto parts store or dealership to confirm compatibility and explore potential modifications needed for proper fitment.

How does Star Wars use scientific principles?

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Star Wars uses scientific principles as a basis for its world-building, such as exploring concepts like space travel, robotics, and energy fields. It incorporates ideas from physics and technology to create its fictional universe, adding a sense of credibility and depth to the story. However, it also takes creative liberties and includes elements of fantasy and mythology to enhance the storytelling.

Why is Darth talon red?

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Darth Talon's red skin is a characteristic of the Sith species called the Zabrak, to which she belongs. Zabrak individuals often have distinct markings and colors on their skin, with red being a common variation. It is a natural part of their physiology rather than a result of any specific trait or characteristic.

What is the order number given to the clone troopers to execute all the Jedi?

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Order 66 is the command given to the clone troopers to eliminate all Jedi as part of the contingency plan in the event of Jedi rebellion or takeover of the Republic. This order was programmed into the clone troopers by the Sith Lords in the Star Wars universe.

Was chewbacca a jedi?

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Chewbacca was not a Jedi. He was a Wookiee warrior and the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon alongside Han Solo in the Star Wars series. Chewbacca was known for his loyalty and bravery, but he did not possess Force-sensitive abilities like the Jedi.

Who voiced Darth Vaders apprentice?

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Sam Witwer provided the voice for Darth Vader's apprentice, Starkiller, in the video game "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" and its sequel.

What happened to Han Solo's and Luke Skywalkers Kids?

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In the Star Wars expanded universe, Han and Leia have three children: Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. Luke Skywalker adopts Ben Solo, who becomes Kylo Ren. In canon, Ben Solo is the only known child of Han and Leia, and he eventually turns to the dark side.

What does fondor mean in English?

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"Fondor" does not have a direct translation in English. It is not a commonly used English word and may be a proper noun or have specific meaning in a particular context or language.

What are somes quotes thar Jar Jar Binks says in star wars?

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He has many memorable lines in not only the movies, but also in the TV series The Clone Wars. One of his well known in the Clone Wars is "There be some bombad clankings coming this way" and one he says frequently in The Phantom Menace is "How wude!"

When Darth maul got cut in half did he survive?

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Yes, Darth Maul is a fictional character in the Star Wars series. In the narrative, he survived being cut in half and reappeared in later stories with cybernetic legs.