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Q: How many piece of fish in 25lb case?
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25 pounds equal how many kilos?

25lb = 11.34kg

How many cups in a 25lb bag of flour?

Approx. 94 cups.

How many bags of 25lb in 20 metric tons?

Approx 1764 bags.

How many ounces in 1 piece of whiting fish?

It depends on the size.

How many fish make two pounds?

There are big fish and small fish, in case you didn't know.

How many cups of sugar in a 25 bag?

Roughly 50 cups of sugar in a 25lb bag.

How many milligrams are in tuna?

It depends on how big the fish is. Its the same as 'how long is a piece of rope?'.

How many calories in one piece fish curry?

About 400 calories if fried and then the curry is prepared.

How many calories in 3 pieces of fried fish?

A LOT! But if you know how many calories are in 1 piece, multiply that by 3, and there is your answer. Sometimes if you order 1 piece at a fast food place, they tell you the calories of 1 piece and then multiply THAT by 3.

What is 5x6 tomato?

5x6 is a measure of the tomatoes size base on how many you can fit in a case. Tomatoes are sold wholesale in standard 25lb boxes. 5x6 means that you can fit about 5 rows of 6 tomatoes in the dimensions of a standard 25 lb case. So a 6x6 tomato would be smaller, and a 4x6 tomato would be bigger.

What animal uses mimicry in a ocean?

For example the Angler fish has a projecting piece which imitates a wriggling worm.... many fish are camoflaged to look like weed or plants...

What do 5x6 tomatoes weigh?

5x6 is a measure of the tomatoes size base on how many you can fit in a case. Tomatoes are sold wholesale in standard 25lb boxes. 5x6 means that you can fit about 5 rows of 6 tomatoes in the dimensions of a standard 25 lb case. So a 6x6 tomato would be smaller, and a 4x6 tomato would be bigger.