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One blue nose would kill it

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Q: How many pitbulls would it take to bring down a syberian tiger?
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Could tiger kill 10 pitbulls at the same time?

yes, tigers are very strong one paw swipe will snap a human backbone, and its neck. In the wild on lion could kill 5 hyenas which are stronger than dogs. This would be and easy win for the tiger

A cheetah or a tiger?

if they were to race the cheetah would win but if they were to fight the tiger would win

Who wins if a Gorilla and Tiger Fights?

A tiger has the good hunting skills of killing animals larger than their size with their own strength and weight to bring down the animal. Since gorillas do not punch, they only throw stones or sticks at enemies or charge them off. If the gorilla managed to charge at the tiger, the tiger would charge back and use its weight to bring down the gorilla. However, if the gorilla threw a lot of stones or sticks at the tiger, it might have a chance to win the fight.

How many pitbulls would it take to kill a wolf?

Two aggressive pitbulls with strong biting force can kill a wolf, and any lone wild dogs.

Are pitbulls mean dogs?

Pitbulls, like any dog, could be good or mean although, pitbulls most of the times are docile dogs that would rather be mean towards other animal but well trained, these dogs obey the master.

What would be you favorite book in the Tiger Saga?

The Tiger's Destiny and Tiger's Curse would be my favorite book in the Tiger Saga.

How many pitbulls are left in the world?

The Pit Bull is not a species, but a breed. So I guess the answer would be one.

What is Tiger Woods's favorite animal?

I would imagine it would be a Tiger, he has a Tiger headcover on his driver.

Why does Tiger Woods bring 4 pair of pants to every tournament?

How in the world would you know if he actually brings 4 pants? I would think that he would need more than 4 though.

Who would win in a fight Obama or a tiger?

the tiger likes dark meat the tiger would win

Would a hungry tiger be a docile?

no the tiger would not be docile.

Who would win a tiger or a ninja?

Tiger. No human can beat a tiger.