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3 or more can be in rainforsest because is always raining there i went there for three days and say oil and a big elephent and two birds

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Q: How many plant and animal species become extinct every day in a rain forest?
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What species of animal and plants are endangered or extinct because of harvesting of the rain forest?


What is an extinct species in the deciduous forest?

If they are extinct, then they no longer exist in the deciduous forest ... or indeed anywhere ...

How many species go extinct every year?

Extinction rates vary and can sometimes be rapid, and some times slow. Extinction rates are affected by biotic, competition between species, hunting etc, and abiotic factors, volcano eruptions, weather etc.

Why is the animal conversation society against deforestation?

Deforestation causes many species to become extinct and endangered. When the animal's habitat is destroyed, the species as a whole can not adapt fast enough to be able to live elsewhere, as they were adapted for the forest. Forced to go elsewhere, the animal will most certainly perish. A very large problem is with rain forests, as they present some of the most diverse ecosystems on earth. Their destruction has caused the extinction of countless species.

What will be the consequences if the habitats of forest animals are destroyed?

The forest animals will have no place to exist and will become extinct.

What would happen if one of the species in your chain became extinct?

If an animal in a ecosystem chain became extinct - the WHOLE ecosystem would collapse because, believe it or not, every single species counts. For example, if a bird species in a forest became extinct - everything that ate the bird would die without their "food" and everything that ate them would die and so on and so forth.

Do animals die from rainforest pollution?

Animals are killed from deforestation and scientists believe that many species of animals and plants become extinct everyday in the amazon rain forest.

What are the plant and animal species in the Atlantic oakwood forest?

Two species are Poozerking and Beefeater

Why are rainforest animal dieing?

They are dieng because of tribes hunting them down, burning the forest , and chopping down trees which animals live in. most causes to animal extinction are humans. hundreds of species are going extinct every hour. but at the same time lots are being discovered or rediscovered because of scientist thinking they had been extinct.

What do animal species of the tropical forest have that minimize competition?

interspecific and intraspecific

What will happen to the palm oil industry if orangutans become extinct?

The palm oil industry will probably be under charges for killing and endangered spices of rain forest animal. They will be shut down, for sure.

What biome has the greatest number of plant and animal species in a given area?

the tropical rain forest