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600 plant species, 10000 animal species

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Q: How many plants animals insects live in the African Rainforest?
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What food do the animals eat in the rainforest?

Plants, insects, and each other.

Omnivores in the rain forest?

Some rainforest monkeys are omnivores eating a wide range of insects, animals and plants.

What animalsplantsinsects and arachnid live in the tropical rainforest strata?

There are thousands of plants, insects, animals, and arachnids living in the tropical rainforest. These animals include macaws, butterflies, anacondas, spider monkeys, toucans, and parrots.

How does the vinus fly trap interact with the rainforest?

3 animals that live in the rainforest are a rattlesnake,giantsloth,toucan.Three plants that live in the rainforest are the vinusflytrap,bangelbamboo and lots of flowers.The vinusflytrap interacts by eatings insects and other things.The sloth interacts by

What is diversity of animals and plants?

a tropical rainforest

Do the plants in a rainforest have any effect on the animals?


What the animal in a rainforest eat?

Well if they are carnovoires they will hunt other animals. They might also eat parasites or insects. Herbavoires would consume exotic plants.

Which ecosystem has more of plants and animals?

The tropical rainforest biome or environment has the most plants and animals in it.

How many animals and plants live in the amazon rainforests?

there are 20,000 animals and plants in the tropical rainforest.

Why does Amazon rainforest have so many different plants and animals?

The Amazon rainforest has so many different plants and animals because of its climate. Its rain and temperature allows organisms to prosper because plants and animals need a warm climate and water.

How have animals and plants adapted to the tropical rainforest?


What percent of all plants and animal can be found in the rainforest?

I just looked it up it is 70% of all plants and animals are in the rainforest.