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Q: How many points is Lunch money by Andrew Clements?
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Related questions

When was Lunch Money By Andrew Clements plublished?

Lunch Money was published in 2005.

What is the climax of the book Lunch Money by Andrew Clements?

Greg loses all his money

How are Maura and Mrs.Davenport different in Lunch Money by Andrew Clements?

They have different opinions.

What genre is lunch money by Andrew clements?

It is a children's novel or a realistic fiction.

Who was the author of the book Lunch Money?

The author of the book "Lunch Money" is Andrew Clements. The book tells the story of a young boy named Greg who comes up with a plan to create and sell comic books at his school to raise money.

Info about brain Selznick?

He was the author of the invention of Hugo Cabaert (or whatever) and has made almost all of the cover illustrations of the Andrew clements books such as Frindle and Lunch money.

What are the main characters in lunch money by Andrew clements?

The main char reg (Main Character), Maura (Greg's Friend), Mr. Zenotpoulous (Main Teacher) , and Mrs. Davenport hi (Principle)

What is the summary for lunch money?

"Lunch Money" by Andrew Clements is a children's novel about a young boy named Greg who comes up with a creative way to earn money by creating and selling his own comic books. However, he faces challenges from a classmate who also wants to make money and starts a competing comic book business. The story explores themes of competition, friendship, and entrepreneurship.

What books by Andrew clements have won awards?

Some of Andrew Clements' books that have won awards include "Frindle," which won the Christopher Award and the Massachusetts Children's Book Award, and "Lunch Money," which won the Nevada Young Readers' Award.

Who are all the characters in lost and found by Andrew Clements?

In the book "Lost and Found" by Andrew Clements, the main characters are twins Jay and Ray Grayson, their classmates Danielle and Carl, as well as their teacher Mr. Dirkson. The story follows the twins as they navigate a challenge involving a large amount of money they found.

What are the books Andrew Clement wrote?

His newest book, About Average, just came out in 2012.

Why did the airhead eat the dollar he brought to school?

It was his lunch money Posted by Jenna Sirucek