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Q: How many points is a space marine with rocket launcher?
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What is the points cost of a space marine?

A standard tactical Space Marine with a boltgun is 16 points

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A space marine scout bike squad is 70 points

How big is a warhammer whirlwind?

The Whirlwind I am assuming you are talking about is a space marine whirlwind, which is basically a rocket launcher. It is the same size as a rhino as it uses the same tank body. It just has a missile turret on top.

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Answer15 Points

What is the strongest space marine weapons?

Las cannon for a standard devastator marine or a missile launcher, but they are only effective against tanks

How do you work out the points of your space marine army?

You will essentially need to buy the current Space Marine codex, available for about £12 (or however much that translates to in your particular currency). This will list the details of every unit you have in your army, including the points. For example, i have a Space Marine tactical squad- this is a base of 5 models for 90 points, with 5 additional models at 16 points each (according to the current 2009 Space Marine codex), bringing the cost of the unit up to 170 points in total. The wargear you have on your army will also affect the points cost- for example, a squad of 10 space marines can have a flamer and missile launcher for free, but equipping one with, say, a lasgun will increase the points cost. just look through the entries near the back of the codex for the points of every model you will be using, the cost of any extra options are also listed clearly there.

How many points is a Space Marine Razorback?

A Space Marine drop pod in the normal codex without upgrades costs 35 pts .

How many points are the space marine in the assult on black reach?

I think it the space marines have about 580 points. Have a happy wargame

How many points in a space marine Terminator?

Read the codex

How many points is a Space Marine tatical squad?

160 points without any upgrades

How many points is a space marine razorback worth?

it is 40 points may differ with options

How many points is a Space Marine Commander worth?

A Space Marine commander with no upgrades is worth 100pts.If you have any other questions on the points of units you can download the ArmyBuilder demo to tell you the points of every unit with and without upgrades