

How many polar bears are going to die in the next 2 years?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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10y ago

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We don't know. Counting the population of living bears is extremely difficult, without trying to predict an exact number of how many will die.

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Q: How many polar bears are going to die in the next 2 years?
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Are polar bears nearly all gone?

Yes. There are more polar bears in Alaska because it has not been very effected by global warming and many polar bears in other places have starved and died populations have decreased by 50%

How many breedings do polar bears do a year?

Female polar bears usually breed once every two years. It takes that long for her cubs to mature enough to be on their own.

How many polar bears are living?

According to Polar Bears International, scientists estimate that as of 2008, there are 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears living.

How many Polar bears in deserts?

Polar bears do not live in the desert. They live in the Arctic.

How many polar bears left in Australia?

polar bears don't live in Australia. penguins do

How many polar bears die due to attacks from other polar bears each year?

* 17 polar bears die every year acording to average

How many bears in the wold?

12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas) 12,037,456 (that is, not counting polar bears and wild pandas)

How many penguins every day do polar bears eat?

Zero. Polar Bears and penguins live at opposite ends of the world. Polar Bears Arctic, Penguins Antarctic. Polar Bears eat seals. This is a common misconception that polar bears and penguins live together, but they live on opposite poles.

Are polar bears like other bears?

Polar bears share many of the same traits as other bears, in particular their cousins the brown bear, to which they are closely related. Every creature is adapted to its environment, and the polar bear when it split from the brown bear group several thousand years ago, adapted to life in the Arctic, feeding mainly on seals, which makes the polar bear the most carnivorous of all bears.