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I think you may be confused, a "tuber" is a swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem of a plant, such as the potato, bearing buds from which new plant shoots arise. Thus onepotato is one tuber.

If you meant to ask how many potatoes (tubers) grow on a single potato plant, then there is no one answer as different varieties produce different yields and sizes of potato.

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Potatoes don't grow on tomato plants. They grow under ground.

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Q: How many potatoes can grow on one tuber?
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Where do potatoes grow from?

they grow in the ground The potato grows from a tuber that is one of the previous years potatoes.

How do tubers grow?

The tops or sides of the tuber produce shoots that grow into typical stems and leaves and the under sides produce the roots. The below-ground stem tuber is normally a short-lived storage and regenerative organ developing from a shoot that branches off a mature plant The offspring or new tubers, are attached to a parent tuber or form at the end of a hypogeogenous rhizome. In the fall the plant dies except for the new offspring stem tubers which have one dominant bud, which in spring regrows a new shoot producing stems and leaves in the summer the tubers decay and new tubers begin to grow

What is a modified food storage stem?

Modified stems have been altered by the parent plant to fit the needs of the plant. There are three examples I will be stating here. First, there are the stolon. They grow horizontally along the ground and they grow above the ground. An example would be strawberries. Next, there are the tuber stems. They are enlarged underground stems that are for starch storage. An example of this would be potatoes. Finally, there are the succulent stems. They are fleshy and often leafless. They are used for water storage. An example would be cacti.

Can you give me an example of one tuber?

A potato is a tuber

Where can I find growing potatoes?

Organic gardening is the best thing to do when trying to grow potatoes. Also to look up for information on how to plant them and maintain them, there are various methods on how this can be done it all depends on how much potatoes one wants to grow.

How many cups of potatoes in one pound of potatoes?

One pound of potatoes yields about three cups of peeled & sliced potatoes.

How many cups of potatoes are in one pound?

One pound of potatoes yields about three cups of peeled & sliced potatoes.

Can potatoes grow claws?

Yes, potatoes do grow claws but not like wolverine claws it is like claws made out of potato. I know this because i have one and it is still growing and it has 8 claws so far.

Potatoes plants produce flowersfruits and seeds.Yetthey never grow from seeds.Why?

Potatoes are usually grown from seed potatoes which are neatly cut from a potato to have one to two "eyes" which are the buds.The reason why potatoes do not follow the regular convention of flowers and seeds is because they are underground shoots i.e their roots store starch to form tubers and from these starch deposits,new shoots grow.

What one doesn't belong carrots radishes potatoes cabbages?

Cabbages because they do not grow underground.

Is a tuber asexual?

yes, it is. Only because it takes one parent.Althought many people thing otherwise. -EpicNerd2

What is the visible similarity between the garlic bulb and potato tuber?

Potato has only one part and garlic has many