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Taft was most certainly over 300 pounds at his inauguration in 1909. He was the 27th US President.

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Q: How many pounds did William Howard Taft weigh on the day he was inaugurated as the 31ST president in 1908?
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How many pounds did William Howard Taft weigh on the day he was inaugurated?

He was 189 pounds.

Which president weighed over 300 pounds and had to have a tub special made for him?

William Howard Taft.

What president stood 6 feet 2 inches and weighed over 300 pounds?

William Howard "Big Bill' Taft is the one. William Howard Taft, who served as US President from 1909-1913. He needed to have a larger bathtub installed in the White House.

Why did people call William Howard Taft 'Big Bill'?

He weighed over 300 pounds, the heaviest president ever.

He was the largest president to ever serve?

William Howard Taft was 6 feet and weighed over 350 pounds, making him the largest person to serve as president.

Witch president weighed over 300 pounds?

William Howard Taft is the US President that weighed over 300 pounds, at times. When he left the White he weighed around 340 pounds. He was down to 244 pounds the year before he passed away.

Who was the fatest president?

William Howard Taft, the 27th president of the United States, is often remembered as the heaviest U.S. president. He reportedly weighed over 300 pounds during his presidency.

What president was nicknamed big bill?

Big Bill was William Howard Taft, who at over 300 pounds was certainly big and his name was Bill.

This president weighed over 300 pounds and once got stuck in the bathtub?

William Howard Taft was the largest of all the presidents, tipping the scales at over 330 pounds. He got stuck in the White House bathtub and it took four men to remove him. After that incident, a new oversized bathtub was installed that was 7 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. There is no evidence, however that he actually broke a bathtub.

How muchy pounds did William Howard Taft weight?

335 to 340 pounds

How much pound did William Howard Taft weigh?

William Howard Taft weighed MORE hat 300 pounds. He weighed 334 pounds.

Which president weight over 300 pounds?

President Taft was over 300 lbs. (335 has been recorded.) when he was elected in 1908.