

How many pounds does a healthy foal gain per day?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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3 lb per day

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Q: How many pounds does a healthy foal gain per day?
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if you are a fit and healthy person, keep doing your daily exercises, but if you are overweight then i personally suggest that you work out and eat healthy b/c if you give yourself unnessisary calories you will gain more weight which is not good for your health. you can gain pounds but watch out for those french fries missy

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yes you need to gain at least 11 pounds and that should be around a healthy weight but if your going to gain weight do It the healthy way not the "eat as many Twinkies as you can" way. You should contact your doctor or a nutritiousness. Best of luck

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300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 pounds if you eat a watermelon

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i dont know about pounds you can gain but you lose about tree fiddy for every extra value meal