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The Titanic didn't use coal, it was powered by redstone

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Q: How many pounds of coal did titanic use?
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How much money in gas did titanic use?

Non, because Titanic didn't use fuel. She used coal, instead of fuel.

How much coal did the Titanic use one way?

it used 9000 bags of coal just to america .......................mohammed....... from hazelwick

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What type of fuel did they use on the titanic?

She was a coal-fired steamship; her wreck site is littered with tons of surplus coal that spilled out of it's storage bunkers when she split in half during the sinking.

How much gas does the Titanic need?

Titanic did not use gas to power its engines. Gasoline, diesel and other modern propulsion systems did not yet exist in 1912. Titanic instead relied on coal- roughly 7000 tons of it. Coal was shoveled nonstop into 29 boilers which in turn produced steam to power the engines.

What was a trimmer on Titanic?

crewmembers working between deck G and Orlop, encased after coal was loaded and coal lids sealed. Their work was to use a chisel to break down coal pieces to a consistent size a throw it in lower coal bunkers so the firemen can shovel it in the boilers. Never had any chance of survival.

Did the titanic use fuel?

Titanic was coal-powered. Soon after her sinking, oil started to come into use but conversion was impossible during the First World War. After the war, other ships, like Olympic, were converted to much cleaner oil (which also obviated the need for stokers, firemen, and trimmers).

How much coal does the average American use?

An average household uses around 920 kWh/mo. If they got all their electricity from burning coal, that's 2070 to 791 pounds of coal per month. Source:

What is 1st class like on the Titanic?

there was many thing to do on the titanic such as use the gym swimming pool or squash courts

Why does Morocco use coal energy?

the reason morocco uses coal energy is because it has so many benefits and they borrow coal from countries.

How do you make a sentence with the word coal?

After dinner, they sat by the fireplace, watching the coal slowly turn into glowing embers.

Which resources do coal power stations use?

Coal power stations use coal as their primary resource to generate electricity. They also use water for steam production, cooling, and emissions control. Additionally, they require land for infrastructure and waste disposal.