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Q: How many pounds of food does Narwhal whales eat in a day?
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How many pounds do whales way?


Why do people kill and eat whales?

Hunting and killing whales for food is a tradition among many cultures, whales for some are just a food source the same way many cultures and societies eat chicken pork beef etc. It also was something Inuits did for food and oil because whales were convenient.

How many 2000 pounds beluga whales would weigh as much as one 120000-pound right whale?

60 beluga whales

How many babies do narwhal have at a time?

A Narwhal can have up to 2 babies at the most.

How many pounds do baby sei whales weigh?

They weigh about 1,500 lbs (680 kg).

Do most whales live in one place?

No. There are many species of whales and they are in all sorts of waters. Many migrate as well to breed or find food.

How do you think tiny krill provide enough food to sustain whales?

The reason they can provide enough food is because whales eat so many of them (10-15 tons).

Whale species in the arctic?

The bowhead whale is a whale of the arctic. The beluga is a dolphin of the arctic. The narwhal is a porpoise of the arctic.

What are the adjectives in Many wolves eat five pounds of food a day?

many wolves eat five pounds of food a day

How many pounds of food will eagles eat a day?

10 pounds

How are gray whales affected by plants and animals?

It affects many ecosystems in the ocean. For example, if there are no whales, the population of plankton or fish that are the whales food will increase. Also, the food chain is affected. Another reason why whale hunting affects the environment, is because the rare species of whales will get extinct.

How many pounds of food will 2 polar bears consume in 1 day if they require 26.4 pounds of food per day?

52.8 pounds