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eight pounds

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Q: How many pounds of macaroni salad for 170 people?
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How many pounds of macaroni for 150 people?

If it is a pre- entree salad, then about 36 pounds will do it. - If it is the main course, at least 80 pounds

How many cups of pasta salad equal 1 pound?

It depends on what type of pasta is used and what the other ingredients in the salad are. This is way to general of a question.

How many pounds of macaroni salad for 30 people?

Typically a serving is about half a cup in volume and weight 4 ounces. There are about 4 servings in a pound of salad. That would mean about 7 pounds of salad to get everyone a single serving. If I had a picnic I'd probably get about 5 pounds of each.

How many gallons of macaroni salad for 170 people?

more than 1 less than 170.

How many pounds of Mac salad for 75 people?

16.5 pounds

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One serving of Macaroni and cheese is 70g.How many kilograms are needed to serve 200 people?

How many heads of lettuce for salad for 75 people?

13 pounds

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8 people

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how many pounds of potato salad do I need to feed 100 people

How many pounds of potato salad to feed 40-50 people?

I would make 12 pounds

How many cups of macaroni salad will 1 pound feed?

16 cups

How many boxes of elbow macaroni do you need to to cook to feed 150 people?

If you have cooked the dish before simply place the portion size you would normally use to make for two portions on the scales and then multiply by 13. When catering for larger numbers it is essential not to run out!