

How many programs made up the New Deal?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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57 including the social security act for retirees and unemployed, FHA agricultural administration act, CCC, WPA, 21st amendment, etc.

It provided many people with jobs building lasting roads and other structures that are useful to this day.
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Q: How many programs made up the New Deal?
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What did Franklin D. Roosevelt call his new programs?

The New Deal.

How did the New Deal change the us?

FDR made many programs to help the people get jobs and food. AAA, CCC, TVA, PWA, SSA, WPA etc... were the new deal programs which helped the us economy.

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The new deal programs that were challenged in court were withdrawn.

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The new deal was enacted in 1933 many of its programs were seen as unconstitutional a second new deal was enacted in 1934-36. Among its programs was social security, this was during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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The new deal was enacted in 1933 many of its programs were seen as unconstitutional a second new deal was enacted in 1934-36. Among its programs was social security, this was during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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The New Deal.

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The New Deal was first put in to effect in 1933. The New Deal started many programs in the states to help them recover from the Great Depression.

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The President that proposed the New Deal was Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs in the New Deal focused on relief, recovery, and reform.

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John Maynard Keynes

Why might critics of the first New Deal have favored the second New Deal?

Critics of the first New Deal favored the Second New Deal because the policies were made to give more long term reform programs to the recovering nations. There were some critics of the Second New Deal who felt this was a step toward Socialism.

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