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Q: How many prohibited tasks does Shabbat have?
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Reporting progress of assigned tasks.

Why do Jews walk to temple?

If they are observant Jews they walk to temple on Saturdays because it is forbidden to drive on Shabbat. The observance of the Jewish sabbath has many laws, the creation of a anything is prohibited. Starting a car creates a spark, so it is forbidden.

How many prohibitions are there on Shabbat?


Did god work on shabbat?

G-d did not create anything new on Shabbat; the 7th day of rest. All of creation was completed in the first 6 days of creation. Since then G-d has been maintaining the world, but not creating anything new. To commemorate this, Judaism defines 39 categories of creative work which are forbidden on Shabbat. E.g.: baking, planting and lighting fires. See for an introduction to these 39 categories.

Are you allowed to cycle on shabbat?

Although it would seem that there'd be no issue riding a bike during Shabbat, this activity is not allowed. The reason behind this prohibition is the scenario of the bike breaking in some way while you're away from home. If, let's say, the chain fell off the bike, you would not be able to put it back on as that's a form of prohibited work. Also, you would not be able to carry the bike home as that too would be a prohibited form of work.

What are you not allowed to take to the western wall on a sabbath day?

You should not bring any portable electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, pagers, etc.) nor should you be carrying anything such as a backpack or groceries. In fact, any item prohibited for use by Jews on Shabbat should not be brought to the Western Wall on Shabbat.

Do some Jewish people marry on Shabbat during Saturday morning services?

Any marriages on Shabbat are strictly prohibited by Orthodox and Conservative Jews, and by reason of custom, completely discouraged by Reform Jews. Most Jews that marry on Saturday are secular Jews, and therefore would not be married during a prayer service.

What can Jewish people do on the sabbath?

Anything but a list of 39 prohibited acts. In the Talmud, tractate Shabbat, 12:1 it summarizes the spirit of the law as "one who does work on Shabbat and the work is enduring has violated shabbat." So, recreation, eating, worship, argument, all those are OK, but don't make things, plant things, harvest things, carry things (outside of your private domain), light fires, or put out fires (except to save a life). Saving someone's life on Shabbat is, of course, permitted even if it takes work.

Why is it always a woman who starts the shabbat?

It is a Minhag (Tradition) that the woman of the house lights the Shabbat candles. (The reason for this is mentioned in the Talmud, that says that this is a Tikun (a correction, an amendment) to the "original sin" of Hava (Eve)) According to many Poskim (Rabbis) this act is a declaration of Kabbalat Shabbat (Welcoming the Shabbat) and thus the woman is usually the first to start the shabbat.

What do women do during shabbat?

They prepare their children for Shabbat and light the Shabbat candles.

Where in the Torah does it say you cant use electric devices on the Sabbath?

Electric devices are not mentioned in the Torah, but it's part of the 39 prohibited tasks.

What is a shabbat greeter?

"Shabbat Shalom!"