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There are 22 property cards and the 2 Utilities cards (WaterWorks and Electric Company).

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Q: How many property cards are in the monopoly game?
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Related questions

How many cards does everyone get in monopoly?

If you mean property, players don't get any, but they can purchase them as part of the game.

How many community chess cards in monopoly?

16In Monopoly (the Parker Bros. game) there is a deck of 16 Chance cards and a deck of 16 Community Chest cards.

In the original monopoly game how many pieces of property were there for sell?


How many game pieces are there in Monopoly?

currently there are 12 playing pieces, money, hotels, houses, 1 dice, community cards and chance cards and also the game board

How many chance cards and chest cards are in Monopoly?

16 each.

How many property and deed cards in monopoly?

There are 28 title cards: one for each of the 22 properties, 2 for the Utilities (Water Works and Electric Company) and 4 for the Railroads (Reading, Pennsylvania, B&O, and Short Line).

How many different properties can be bought in Monopoly?

Monopoly has 28 properties in the game. So the answer is 28 properties can be purchased during a game of Monopoly.

How many houses are in the game monopoly?

There are 32 houses (and 12 hotels) in Monopoly.

Is the game monopoly a game?

A "monopoly" is the control of a commodity or service by one group (usually a small number of companies) so that they control the available supply - they can profit because they can charge whatever prices they want. The board game of Monopoly applies this on a limited basis by allowing property owners to charge much larger rents when they have control of an area of the board (the colored property groups). By developing these even further with houses and hotels, they can command ever larger fees from other players who land on their properties. Property groups where monopolies are not formed can only charge comparative small rents and are thus at a competitive disadvantage.

How many utilities are in the monopoly game?


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How many hotels are in the monopoly game?

There are 12 hotels and 32 houses in Monopoly. In order to buy a hotel, you must accumulate four houses on the property where you wish to build, then trade the houses for a hotel. You may only place one hotel on any individual property.