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7 protons and 7 electrons, as the atomic number of nitrogen is 7.

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Q: How many proton and electron does a nitrogen have with no charge?
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How many electrons can balance with the 1 proton?

One electron balances the charge on one proton. Their charges are equal and opposite.

How many electrical charges are in protons?

A proton has single positive charge neutrons have no charge and a electron has a single negative charge

How many sources of electricity are there?

One. The electromagnetic force, represented by the charge on the electron and the proton.

The electric charge of a photon is how many times stronger the charge of an electron?

The electric charges of the proton and electron are equal in magnitude (size, strength), and opposite in sign.

What is the electric charge of each type of subatomic particle?

There are many subatomic partials but the three basic ones are: the electron, the neutron, and the proton. The electron has a negative (-) charge. the proton has a positive (+) charge. and, The neutron doesn't have a charge (but has more mass). if you where talking about quarks, they are a bit more complex (and theoretical) and I don't rely know...

What type of charge if any does each atomic particle have?

The Proton has a Positive charge and is located in the nucleus.The Neutron is Neutral (no charge) and is also in the nucleus.ANDThe Electron has a Negative charge and, they orbit around the nucleus.

Is the mass of an electron greater then the mass of a proton?

No. A proton is many times more massive than an electron.

Is the mass of a proton greater then the mass of a electron?

No. A proton is many times more massive than an electron.

How many proton's in nitrogen?


Which has a bigger mass proton or electron?

A proton. A proton has a mass of 1 a.m.u. while an electron has a mass of 1/1840 a.m.u.

How many particles do the atom have?

5, electron, proton, neutron, nucleus, and electron cloud.

Does an electron always have a negative charge?

The charge on electron and proton is an assumption, these particles have attraction towards each other, the electron was assumed to be negative and proton positive it may be reversed some where in the universe.By definition, the electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative electric charge. It has no known substructure and is believed to be a point particle.You may note that the positron or antielectron is the antiparticle or the antimatter counterpart of the electron. The positron has a positive charge, and the same mass as an electron.