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Uranium atoms (no matter which isotope) ALL have the same number of protons 92. it is in the umber of neutrons that changes between the isotopes.

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1w ago

There are 92 protons in the nucleus of an atom of Uranium-238.

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14y ago

There are 92 protons.

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Q: How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of Uranium - 238?
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How many protons does uranium have in its nucleus?

Uranium has 92 protons.

How many particles are found in the nucleus of a uranium atom?

A uranium atom typically contains 92 protons and around 146 neutrons in its nucleus, adding up to a total of approximately 238 particles.

If uranium has an atomic number of 92 how many protons and neutrons are found in the uranium 238 atom?

In a uranium-238 atom, the number in the isotope name stands for the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. So in this case, uranium-238 has 92 protons (atomic number) and 146 neutrons (238 - 92).

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How many protons nucleus have?

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