

How many puppies can a miniature Maltese give birth to?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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1-4 depending on the size of the mother and father

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Q: How many puppies can a miniature Maltese give birth to?
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What is the biggest a Maltese poodle will get?

It depends if it is a miniature Maltese or a normal Maltese. You can't tell the difference when they are puppies - but a look at their mother / father should give you a clue. A fully grown miniature could grow to around 30 cms long - whilst a normal Maltese will be twice this. Although the Maltese has been added to the NSW 'dangerous dogs' list, if they are treated firmly from young, then they can me very loving little dogs quite safe around children. The problem (I suspect) is that they are 'lap dogs' and thus are frequently spoiled by their owners giving them the idea that they are the leader of the pack (i.e. higher in the pecking order than the owners!!!). Hope this helps.

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How many puppies do dogs give birth too?

it depends what breed it is

Any games where you are the doctor helping give birth to puppies?

no get a life !

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61 to 65 days

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All dogs are mammals and give live birth to a litter of puppies.

Why do dogs give birth to only one puppy?

You are misinformed. Dogs give birth to litters, typically of half a dozen puppies.

Does a DOG give birth?

All creatures give birth, if they didn't they would die out. Yes dogs give birth to live puppies after being pregnant for 9 months

How do dogs reproduce and give birth?

Dogs mate and the puppies come out the end.