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Q: How many pyramids are currently there on Earth?
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How many pyramids were in Egypt?

There are currently 138 pyramids that have been discovered in Egypt. Most were built as burial tombs for the Pharaohs and their consorts.

How many pyramids are there on earth?

There is much debate on this subject. Many researchers believe a different number of pyramids due to certain specifications. The highest number of suspected pyramids sits at a little over 100 structures.

How many kinds of pyramids are their?

I don't know exactly how many, but I know there are Egyptian pyramids, Aztec and Mayan pyramids, unfinished pyramids, and rock pyramids, and sand pyramids.

How many money are on the Earth?

195 quadrillion dollars is currently in circulation around the Earth

Are there tunnels from pyramids to center of earth?

There are tunnels under some pyramids BUT these do not go down to the center of the earth they only go down a few tens of meters.

What is simialar about pyramids and mounds?

They are both protrusions from the earth

What is a prymaid?

Well, It depends on what pyramid your talking about. There are many pyramids, Food Pyramids Pyramids of Gesa.. and many more

How many people live on earth in 2011?

Currently- 7 billion

Who built the pyraimids?

There are pyramids all over the Earth. The Egyptian slaves built the Great Pyramids, and the Aztecs, Mayans, and other Mexican aboriginals and their slaves built the famous pyramids in Mexico. There are many, many other ancient burial buildings made of stone around the world, and quite a number are pyramidal in shape.

How many people are there on the earth currently?

6.6 billion 6.7 billion people on this earth

How many pyramids are in egyipt?

over 100 pyramids

Are pyramids the tallest things on earth?

No: i think mount Everest is