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Q: How many raisins soaked in gin should you eat a day?
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What do the raisins represent in the hot cross bun?

When my aunt was younger she did very tiny poos that looked a lot like raisins. One day her uncle came round and picked up one of these poos, thinking that they were chocolate raisins. He popped one in his mouth and ate it! That's why you should be careful when eating hot cross buns because the raisins might just be tiny poos!

Is it safe to give horses raisins?

Yes, it is safe to feed raisins in small amounts. However they can be fairly high in sugar so it is best to limit consumption of them to less than a handful a day.

How many class should you have each day?

You should have about 7 classes a day=•=

How do you soak raisins in sherry when baking cakes?

Day before prep, fill small container with raisins, then just cover with sherry and cover. Every few hours or so, top-up, keeping raisins just covered with sherry. Raisins will finish reconstituting after 12 hours or so. Do some experimenting with other clear liqueurs, my personal fave is Frangelico.

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you should eat 6-11 a day

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1400 they should have a day

Does soaking white Raisins in rum help osteoarthritis?

My husband just talked with a middle aged man that found this combination to help him immensely with rheumatism. Two cups of rum, raisins until rum just tops the raisins, soak for one week, drain the rum off and take 10 raisins a day. He is a Trapper which forces him to be quite active and says that it really works.

How many fruits should you consume a day?

You should have 3 to 5 servings of fruit a day.

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If it is really soaked, you should use a carpet-cleaning machine to suck as much of the liquid out as you can. You could also step on the area with towels and get as much liquid out as you can. Then turn on a fan and point it at the wet area. It should be dry in a day or two.

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3 or 4 a day maybe just a few more depending on how much you feed them soaked dry food or if mom is still nursing

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You should exercise AT LEAST 1 HOUR each day

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5 a day