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Q: How many rallies did Narendra Modi attend during his 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign?
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What do candidates do while campaigning for an election position?

They actually attend political rallies,meeting to answer questions, and hold press conferences [apex]

What step comes before election day?

Before election day there are many steps that a candidate must do before the actual election. They must decide to run for office, campaign and then attend the campaign debate.

Why do candidates attend meeting rallies and press conference as part of their campaigns?

To convince voters to choose them

What is a student activity fee?

it is a payment for students to be able to attend extra curricular events on campus, like sporting events, plays, and rallies.

How does a good citizen take part in the government?

Vote, stay informed on politics and "the issues", attend or watch political debates, rallies, discussions, etc.

What happened on June 20th?

June 20th 2020. Donald Trump holds his first re-election rally in Oklahoma. Only 6,200 people attend despite the campaign stating 1 million had registered. A social media campaign that was organised by teens on TikTok, K-Pop fans and others, claims responsibility for making it seem like many more people would show up.

What type of election do more voters turn out for than any other?

I do believe, based off of my studies of the publics' interest in politics, the only election that the general public seems to attend is the presidential election--as opposed to mid-term and state elections.

What do candidates do on the campaign trail?

Basically, a candidate tries to make himself appear more capable than his opponent(s). This can include stating his goals and plans, and illustrating his former experiences. The idea is to make oneself the "better choice" to lead the country. A lot of what influences voters are their expectations for the office. The President is considered the most influential person in determining the path of the nation's future, especially its security and economic prosperity.

What three factors tend to weaken campaign impacts on voters?

The three factors attend to weaken campaigns' impacts on voters are selective perception, party identification, and incumbency.

If you join pony club do you have to take your pony to their branch?

you only take the pony with you to rallies and meetings but otherwise your pony stays at your livery yard or house or wherever you keep your horse, the only time your pony will stay at adifferent yard is if you attend camp i hope this helps and have fun with your pony!!!!!!

What is chief of party?

President must be faithful to political parties. He may: 1. Campaign on behalf of party members. 2. Attend fundraisers. 3. Appoint members of his party to federal jobs.

What are a citizens duties that are encouraged but not required?

Generally speaking, citizens in democratic nations are not required by law to vote or attend political rallies. They also are not required to provide information about their religion, or in fact state they have one or not.