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Q: How many representatives are elected?
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How many representatives picked in 2012?

435 voting members were elected or re-elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012.

How many senators are in the senate and how many are they elected?

There are no Senators in the House. Senators are elected to the US Senate while Representatives are elected to the US House of Representatives. Senators serve terms of six years while Representatives serve 2 year terms.

How many us representatives are elected by Massachusetts?

Massachusetts has nine representatives to the US Congress.

For how many years are US representatives elected?

they are elected for two years

How many US Representatives are elected to represent in Congress?

There are 435 representatives in the House of Representatives, and there are 100 senators in the Senate.

What are the terms and term limits of Representatives?

The term of office for the US House of Representatives is two years; there are no term limits. Representatives may be elected for as many terms as the voters wish, for as long as the Representative chooses to serve.

Representatives are elected from?

Representatives are elected from the Congressional Districts.

Senators and Representatives are elected by a?

Senators and Representatives are elected by a

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government through elected representatives

How many years are a us representative elected for?

US Representatives are elected for two-year terms.

Representatives to the house are elected for a term of how many years?


How many US representatives in MD?

In the United States House of Representatives, there are 8 representatives from the state of Maryland. Representatives are elected for 2-year terms.