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Q: How many rings are visible through a telescope on earth?
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Which planet has the most visible rings?

Saturn has three main rings. You need a telescope, but they are visible in a small telescope.

The planet with the most rings?

Saturn has the largest and most distinct number of rings of any planet in our solar system. The rings are so huge they are visible from earth through even a modest telescope.

Are Saturn' rings visible from earth using a telescope?

ANSWER:no.because saturn not that close to earth

What is wrong in this sentence The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from Earth without a telescope?

from earth, withouth a telescope.

What planet have in the solar system haves 13 rings?

Saturn is the planet in our solar system that is known to have 13 rings. These rings are made up of ice particles, rocks, and dust, and are visible from Earth with a telescope.

Where is the mistake in this sentence The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from Earth without a telescope?

The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from Earth without a telescope?Correct grammar would be either:The rings of Saturn are too distant to be seen from Earth without a telescope.The rings of Saturn are so distant,they cannot be seen from Earth without a telescope.

What planet is called the ringed planet?

Several planets have rings, but most of them are pretty faint. The rings of Saturn are different, they are very bright and easy to see with a telescope, and that is why Saturn is called the ringed planet.

How many of Saturn's rings are visible from earth?


What planet has rings so bright they can be seen from Earth?

You can see the rings of Saturn from Earth, but only if you have a telescope ro a good pair of binoculars.

Could someone without a telescope see Saturn?

Yes, Saturn is readily visible to the naked eye. But you can't see the rings and moons without a telescope.

Who founded Saturn?

Saturn was known in ancient times.The rings only became visible when the telescope was use more

What planet is closest to earth with rings?

Saturn is the planet that is closest to Earth with rings. Saturn's rings are composed mainly of ice particles and debris, and they can be seen from Earth with a telescope or even binoculars.