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Q: How many scientific names does a mertensia virginica have?
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How may scientific names does Mertensia virginica have?

It has 540 names trust me i got it from 15 ttly different sites an 2 top tat off my grandpa is a florist: they are flowers tat eat spiders! (yuk) an they r ugh-ga-ly; blend with swampy/mud-like/rele gross places, Omg get dis they're also moldy fungi (they pollen is) aqn only last 4 bout 3-6 hrs

How many scientific names does Mertensia virginica have?

All animals have only 1 official scientific name, that is one of the advantages to the scientific naming system.

What is the common name for mertensia virginica have?

Mertensia Virginica is species of plant that is known by many different names. It is most commonly known as Virginia Bluebell. Apart from that, it is also known as Virginia Cowslip, Lungwort Oysterleaf and Roanoke Bells.

Do hybrids have scientific names?

Many do, some are pending scientific names.

Why are scientific names commonly confused?

because there are so many different variations of scientific names.

How many scientific names are there for Porcellio scaber?

220 names

What are the rules for writing scientific names?

Well there is many scientific names but you have to make sure that it make sense

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How many scientific names can a specific organism have?

2 to 3

What is the scientific name of sponge?

well there many different names, but the scientific one asswipe

How many names does scientific have?

Scientific names typically consist of two parts: the genus and the species. This binomial system of naming organisms was developed by Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. So, scientific names have two names - the genus name and the species name.

What language was chosen for scientific names?

I think it is Latin. Most names in Taxonomy and many other scientific names are Latin. There are quite a few exceptions such as the names of elements and laws/equipment that were named after the people who discovered or invented them.