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At their 2006 conference, the IAU re-categorised Pluto as a Dwarf Planet, a category that also included Ceres - the largest member of the Asteroid Belt - and Eris - an object larger than Pluto some distance further out. This year they added Makemake and Haumae, bringing the group up to 5. But the question is; Are these objects actually planets? Well, here's my view on the matter. I present workshops for schools on astronomy and space exploration, and I point out that a few years ago I met the actor Kenny Baker. I tell the pupils that they have probably all seen films that feature Kenny, but they probably haven't seen Kenny himself, because he is usually inside the outfit of R2-D2! Yes, Kenny is one of the main stars of the Star Wars films. Now Kenny is only 3' 8" tall, and so he might be referred to as a dwarf, but what is important is that he is still a human being. He isn't a hippo; he isn't a broccoli; he isn't a hooglyflip. He's a human. So, if a dwarf human is still a human, then surely a dwarf planet is still a planet - it's just a small one. So if we add the 5 dwarf planets to the 8 others, that gives us a total of 13 planets in the solar system. When we had 9, there was a nice mnemonic to remember the sequence, which went; "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Up Nine Planets". For the current list, I have come up with this; "My Very Excellent Mother Creates Jelly Surprise Using Nice Pink Hot Munchy Eggs!" It may not make a lot of sense, but it's a fun way to remember all of our planets.

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Because up until August 24, 2006 Pluto was considered a planet by definition.

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Do yo think Pluto is a planet?

Pluto is a dwarf planet.

Why was Pluto reclassified as a dwarf planet and in what year was it reclassified as such?

Scientists concluded that Pluto is to small to be a normal planet. It is more of a ball of ice. I think this was established in 2008.

Do all astronomers think that Pluto is a planet?

No. It was categorised as a dwarf planet in 2006, but not all astronomers agree with that decision.

Do astronomers think Pluto is a planet?

Astronomers think Pluto is a dwarf planet. And they're right.

Do all astronomers think Pluto is a panet?

No. There are almost no astronomers that think Pluto is a planet. They know it's officially a dwarf planet.

Should Eris be a planet?

No. scientists have found dozens of planets about the same size as Eris and Pluto. I think they should just be Dwarf planets.

What is considered a dwarf planet?

something like a pluto... i think

Is Pluto classed as a real planet?

No- it is too small to be classed as a real planet, I think it is a dwarf planet.

How many planets have a path around the sun?

ummm there were nine planets but scientists decided that Pluto was a dwarf planet so i don't think it counts anymore

Is Pluto a moon or a planet?

no it's a dwarf planet I would think that it is a dwarf planet, but its moon, Sharon, is nearly as big as it, so some MAY argue that Sharon is a dwarf planet and Pluto is the moon, but considering Pluto is slightly bigger than Sharon, I would think that Sharon would orbit Pluto rather than Pluto orbiting Sharon.

What planet is the dwarf planet?

well if u think about it logically..... Pluto, classified as a planet since its discovery, was reclassified as a dwarf planet only a few years ago.

What is a moon of pluto?

Pluto is not a moon of anything; it is a dwarf planet. Scientists used to think that Pluto may have once been a moon of Neptune, but later studies showed that it could not be so due to the nature of Pluto's orbit.