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Astronomically, all countries have four seasons.

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Q: How many seasons do the country Turkey have?
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What season is it now in Turkey?

Turkey has the same seasons as any other Northern Hemisphere country and the exact opposite seasons of the Southern Hemisphere countries.

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What are the seasons in turkey?

The Seasons of the Country Turkey are the Following:WinterSunsetSunriseAutumn or FallSummerHOPE IT CAN HELP YOU....>>-_☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺_-

How many countries are in Turkey?

There is NO other country in Turkey.

How many countries are there in Turkey?

There are no countries in Turkey. Turkey is a country in its own right.

How many counties does Turkey have?

Turkey itself A country. do you mean Ottoman Empire by saying Turkey?

How many cats is their in the country turkey?


How is the country Turkey spelled in Turkey?

The country Turkey is spelled as "Türkiye" in Turkey.

Is turkey a third world country?

No its not 3rd world country, turkey has had many political problems but in the past 20 years the country has improved itself in many ways. i have lived in many European countries as well as turkey and i confidently can say turkey is just as nice as Europe. the only difference between Europe and turkey are the mosques . you see mosques all over turkey, woman with scarf is same as Germany :)

Is Demre a country in Turkey?

No, Turkey is a country itself.

Is Turkey a beautiful country?

Yes, Turkey is a beautiful country to many people. However, there may be people who disagree and do not see it as a beautiful country. It's a very subjective subject.

What country consumes the most turkey year per capita?

Israel is the country,but I am not sure how many.