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Q: How many seats are in the us house for Colorado?
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How many seats in US House of Representatives?

there are 435 seats in the U.S. house.

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what is the number of house seats in Florida

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How many seats does the US Parliament have?

The U.S. does not have a Parliament but has a Senate with 50 seats and a House of Representatives which has 435 seats.

How many seats are currently in the US house of representatives?

There are currently 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

How many representatives in the US House of Representatives represent Colorado?

Colorado has 7 US Representatives.

Minnesota has how may seats in the house?

It has eight seats in the US House of Representatives.

How many reps are in Colorado?

The Colorado House has 65 State Representatives and there are seven US Representatives.

How many us representative does Florida have in congerss?

Florida controls 25 House seats from 2003 to 2013 and 27 House seats from 2013 to 2023.

How many US House of Representative seats are there for California?

California has 53 US Representatives in the US Congress.

How many democrats are in the house of representatives for Georgia?

In Georgia's House of Representatives, there are 74 Democrats. There are 180 seats in the GA House. In the US House, there are six Democrats from Georgia. Georgia has thirteen total seats in the House.

How many seats is the state of Texas apportioned in the House of Representatives?

Texas has 32 seats which is the second highest number behind California in the US.