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One should look 10 to 12 seconds ahead to avoid collisions.

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Q: How many seconds ahead do you look of your vehicle to avoid collisions?
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30 seconds

You should search a minimum of seconds ahead of your vehicle to avoid obstacles in your path.?


You should search a minimum of seconds ahead of your vehicle to avoid obstacles in your path?


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Frequent scanning of the road ahead allows you to anticipate potential dangers early, giving you more time to react safely and avoid sudden maneuvers. Staying vigilant and aware of your surroundings minimizes the need for abrupt actions that can lead to accidents.

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What hazards are within 10-12 seconds in front of your vehicle?

Hazards within 10-12 seconds in front of your vehicle could include sudden braking by the vehicle ahead, pedestrians crossing the street, animals on the road, or debris that could cause you to swerve or lose control. It's important to scan the road ahead and be prepared to react quickly to avoid potential dangers.

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To avoid collisions and ensure safety

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