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Q: How many shells in a box of large pasta shells?
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What is the name of a tubular pasta stuffed with meat and cheese?

I think it is called manicotti. I am not sure about the spelling though. canneloni Its both. Manicotti and canneloni are the same dish. Both are hard and time consuming to stuff, I would suggest buying large shells in your pasta section of the store. Follow the instructions on the box for "stuffed shells"

How many shells come in a box of shotgun shells?

Most commercially available shotgun shells come in boxes of 25.

How many shotgun shells in a standard box?


Where are some recipes for stuffed shells?

You can find recipies for stuffed shells at your local library. Many libraries have a large selection of cookbooks featuring dishes from all over the world. There are also a lot of magazines that have great recipies in them. You can also look on the box that the shells come in. A lot of times there are recepies included right on the box.

How do box turtles travel?

Answer: They push themselves along on their four legs, hauling their large shells.

A box of pasta has a mass of 454 grams how many boxes should Leo buy if he wants to cook at least 1 kilograms of pasta?

3 :-P

Four boxes of pasta and one jar of tomato sauce cost 7.63 Three boxes of pasta and two jars of tomato sauce cost 8.81 What is the cost of one box of pasta What is the cost of one box of tomato?

A box of pasta is 1.29, a jar of tomato is 2.47.

How much spaghetti for 4 hungry men?

The box will tell you how many servings there are in it. For 4 adults, it will probably be one full box of pasta.

Manny makes dinner using 1 box of pasta and 1 jar of sauce if pasta is sold in packges of 6 boxes and sauce is sold in packges of 3 jars what is the least number of dinners can mannny can make without?

The answer depends on how many dinners a box of pasta can make and on how many dinners one jar of sauce will make.

How many shells in a box of 9 mm ammo?

Normally 50. Some specialty self defence ammo comes 25 or 20 to a box.

Can bugs get in sealed boxes of pasta?

Pasta is actually made ONLY of dead insects. Pasta factories insert bug bait into the empty pasta boxes, then seal them up. Only the most clever pasta bugs can weasel their way into these sealed,baited, empty pasta boxes. Pasta bugs grow too large to escape by eating the bait, then die trapped inside the box, and depending on the type of pasta bug, as well as the type of bait, they form everything from tortellini to lasagna noodles.

What kind of pasta does the nutrition on the box consider boiled or not?

It does not make a difference if the pasta is cooked or not, as water will add no calories to it.