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since it is in period 5 it contains 4d and 3d levels which both hold 10 electrons each. so therefore I (53) has 20 d electrons

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The element with atomic weight 53 is Iodine (I). It is a Group 17(7) Halogen in Period 5 of the Periodic Table. Iodine has 53 electrons in 5 shells with 7 electrons in the outer shell.

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What is the element with an atomic number of 53?

The element with the atomic number 53 is Iodine (I). Iodine is a Group 17(7) Halogen in Period 5 of the Periodic Table. It has 53 electrons in 5 shells with 7 electrons in the outer shell.

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The element with the atomic number 53 is Iodine (I). Iodine is a Group 17(7) Halogen in Period 5 of the Periodic Table. It has 53 electrons in 5 shells with 7 electrons in the outer shell.

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Iodine is a chemical metal element. There are 53 electrons in a single atom.

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The element that has 53 electrons is Iodine (I). It has an atomic weight of 53 and is in Group 17(7) - Halogens family of the Periodic Table. It has 53 electrons in 5 shells with 7 electrons in the outer shell.

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Iodine is a non metal element. There are 53 electrons in a single atom.

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This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

Which element has 53 elements?

Element with 53 electrons is Iodine. It is a grey colored solid substance in room temperature.

How many electrons does the iodine negative ion have?

Iodine is a non metal element. There are 53 electrons in a single atom. There are 7 valence electrons. The iodide ion I- has 54 electrons.

How many electrons are in a iodine ion?

There are 53 electrons in iodine based on the theory that there are 53 protons.

What has 51 protons 51 electrons and 74 neutrons?

The element Iodine has 53 protons, 53 electrons, and 74 neutrons

How many electrons are shown in the electron-dot structure of iodine?

Iodine in its natural form is I2, two iodine atoms bonded with a single covalent bond. There are 6 non-bonded valance electrons on each atom, so there are 12 electrons in the electron-dot structure.

How many protons and electrons are there in the iodide ion?

There are 53 protons and 53 electrons in an iodine atom.