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Q: How many ships have free fall lifeboat?
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Parts of aft end of the ship?

The aft end of a ship, the stern, will usually have a steering gear for each rudder. There will usually be mooring equipment on deck. Many ships have free-fall lifeboat davits mounted on teh stern as well. There will usually be an aft peak ballast tank.

How many people can fit on a lifeboat?

Depends on the size and seating capacity of the lifeboat. And there's also a limit as to how much weight a lifeboat can hold

How many people can fit in a lifeboat?

That totally depends on the size of the lifeboats. Small ones might fit 30, but the ones on some of the big cruise ships can fit 370+.

How many cats aboard the titanic?

Violet Jessop (a first-class stewardess who survived on lifeboat 16) mentions in her journal that there was a ships cat named Jenny and that Jenny had a litter.

Where are the free ships in x3 reunion?

there are not many ships found for free in x3, but on this link: you can find many more thing which might come in useful

How many thermal protective aid carried required in an open lifeboat?

2 in numbers or 10% of lifeboat capacity.

How many pasengers can a lifeboat hold before it sinks?

It depends on the size of the lifeboat, the amount of water it displaces, and how heavy the people are.

What lifeboat did molly brown escape on?

D9 was the lifeboat J.M.Brown escaped the Titanic on.

How many pages does Free Fall - Robert Crais novel - have?

Free Fall - Robert Crais novel - has 304 pages.

How many passengers on lifeboat 6 on titanic?


How many people normally go out in a lifeboat?

Woman and children.

How many people can one lifeboat hold?

100 people