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Q: How many siblings did Saint Lorenzo Ruiz have?
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How many children did San Lorenzo Ruiz have?

Lorenzo Ruiz was a married layman, and the father of two sons and a daughter.

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Saint Lucy is believed to have had three siblings.

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Saint Patrick had two sisters.

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Saint Rita had two siblings: a brother named Antonio and a sister named Maria.

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Saint Bernatette of Lourdes, France, had 8 siblings. There where 9 kids including her. 2 of them died at birth and 1 died shortly after birth.

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There is no mention of Saint Peter having any siblings in the Bible or in historical records.

What were the miracles of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz?

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz is known for his miracles of healing the sick, curing the possessed, and granting special favors to those who pray for his intercession. Many believe that he continues to intercede for those in need, particularly those who are suffering or facing difficult circumstances. Some also attribute the protection and preservation of the Philippines and its people to his miraculous interventions.

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Saint Francis of Assisi had several siblings, including at least three sisters named Rufino, Bernardo, and Jacopa.

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Saint Thomas Aquinas had at least five siblings, although the exact number may vary in different sources.

How many siblings did Saint Sebastian have?

There is no definitive information on the number of siblings that Saint Sebastian had. It is believed that he may have had one sibling, but concrete historical records are scarce.