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Q: How many sightings of bigfoot or sasquatch has there been in gunnison Colorado?
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SasQuatch Oregon US?

Yes, Oregon has many sightings of bigfoot.

Does Bigfoot have a family?

== == There has been sightings of Bigfoot with other Bigfoot so he could have a family. == == == == == ==

What is the creature known as Bigfoot Sasquatch or Yeti and when or where was seen?

It's known as the Yeti or Abominable Snowman in the Asian mountain range of the Himalayas, Bigfoot in the American Northwest and the Sasquatch in Canada. There have been recorded sightings of this creature all over the world for hundreds of years.

What do you call a baby bigfoot?

Bigfoot, Plural: Bigfoot, Adult Name: Sasquatch, Plural: Sasquatch

Why do they call yeti sasquatch?

You my friend, are getting Bigfoot and the Yeti mixed up. "Sasquatch" is a Native American word for bigfoot.

What is bigfoot related to?


What is The Indian name for bigfoot?


Info about sasquatch and pictures?

There are several good websites about Bigfoot. Visit my Bigfoot/Sasquatch site and go to the Links-Resources page.

What do sasquatches eat?

There is no such thing as a Sasquatch. Yeah. Why is there a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, and Yeti column?

How did sasquatch get his name?

Lilke a lot of things such as Sheboygan and Namekagon, it is an approximation of an American Indian term. May have originated in the Pacific Northwest that includes Canadian frontier. For some odd reason Bigfoot or Sasquatch sightings in Alaska have never been publicized.

Are bigfoot sightings real or hoax?

Bigfoot is hoax.

What is Sasquatches appearance and habitat?

Sasquatch is the Native American word for large, hairy, apelike creatures that supposedly roam the woods of the Pacific Northwest and Canada. There have been hundreds of Sasquatch (or Bigfoot, as they are also known) sightings since the mid-nineteenth century. The majority of them have occurred in the Pacific Northwest, although sightings have been reported throughout the United States and Canada. Bigfoot have been sighted in all 48 contiental states, Canada and Alaska. This means that bigfoot can adapt to any environment and make it it's habitat.