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Q: How many slave came to the new world in the S's and the S's?
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When was Slave New World created?

Slave New World was created in 1992.

What does the new world mean and how does it affect the slave trade?

the new world is the world that Columbus discovered for the Europeans. If it was not for the new world the slave trade could have easily died out.

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What disease did slave get on their journey to the new world?


Cash crops in the new world?

Slave labor was needed.

What was a result of raising sugar as a cash crop in the new world?

Slave Labor was needed

Who is responsible for bringing the slaves to the New World?

The European slave traders brought slaves to the New World from Africa. So many native Americans had died of smallpox that they couldn't be used for labor.

What key crop was grown in the new world that led to the need for African slave labor?

In the United States African slave labor was used for tobacco crops. In terms of food crops in the New World, sugar cane harvesting was very labor-intensive and many slaves were used in these endeavors.

The pilgrims came to the new world for?


What religion of Europeans?

Mainly Catholicism and Protestantism came to the new world.

Why did pilgrims come to the new world?

The pilgrims came to the New World to get out from under the king's rule.

Why did the french move to the new world?

the french came to the New World because they needed new land, because France had been getting too crowded so they moved, and many people did not survive. They came for the good cod fishing, but most importantly for land.